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Facebook Launches New Features Video Call On the Messenger

Wednesday, 19 August 2015 | 07:53 WIB Last Updated 2015-08-23T17:24:24Z
After a few weeks ago, Facebook introduced dialing Facebook Messenger application. So now Facebook has done an update by introducing new features in Messenger, the Video Call Facebook Messenger. This feature was introduced by Facebook on 27 April 2015 by the official account.

Video Call Messenger has been able to work in 18 countries, including the United States. Features Video Call belonging Facebook messenger will be a competitor several prominent applications which had already introduced video calls as Skype application.

How to use the video call feature of Facebook Messenger is quite easy, you just have to click the video image in the upper right corner. Then this feature will run automatically. Note the picture below:

This feature has been unable to work for android and iOS users, even if the user is using a different application, ie the caller using the Facebook Messenger iOS and Android receiver using Facebook Messenger, or vice versa.
Currently the Video Call feature has yet to be enjoyed in all countries of the user account. Facebook recently introduced this feature in 18 countries, including the United States, Belgium, Canada, Croatia, Denmark, France, Greece, Ireland, Laos, Lithuania, Mexico, Nigeria, Norway, Oman, Poland, Portugal, United Kingdom and Uruguay. And for other countries will be included in a list of some future time.

Now users active Messenger Facebook application has reached 600 million in each month. So that Facebook intends to expand the capabilities of the platform. For example, Facebook recently also introduced a feature remittances through application.

Video Call feature is not free, this feature can work if there is a Wi-Fi network only and if there are no Wi-Fi network, then this call will be charged standard. Unfortunately this feature has not been able to work for the state of Indonesia. So that Indonesia had to queue to get their turn to get into the list of countries that have been able to use this Messenger Video Call feature.
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