Android Device Manager is an android application that was released in 2013 ago. Because Android Device Manager is able to protect our android device when lost or stolen by others. Because Android Device Manager is able to track the whereabouts of the location of our android smartphone, and not only that this application is also claimed to be able to lock or erase data on lost our device remotely. Great huh buddy?
Even Google's own claims, Android Device Manager application has been successfully reuniting smartphones and tablets also missing so that it can return to its owner. Indeed, at first, the ability of Android Device Manager is still in doubt, because this application can still be defeated by other similar applications with Android Device Manager also. But finally, Google continues to perform updates to the features of this application so that more reliable and can be trusted to do the job tasks.
Even Google's own claims, Android Device Manager application has been successfully reuniting smartphones and tablets also missing so that it can return to its owner. Indeed, at first, the ability of Android Device Manager is still in doubt, because this application can still be defeated by other similar applications with Android Device Manager also. But finally, Google continues to perform updates to the features of this application so that more reliable and can be trusted to do the job tasks.
Google itself has done an excellent renewal, the article Android Device Manager is able to support the Google device Wear. Thus we can track the whereabouts of the location of the Android Smartphone that we lost only use SmartWatch alone, or without having to use a PC, smartphone or other Andoid tablets.
The trick is quite unique, pal just need to say "Ok, Google. Start. Find My Phone "for each start the process of finding your missing smartphone. In addition to using the voice command, my friend also perform commands using the manual option, namely by accessing the start menu and then select the option "Find My Phone", then after that, Android Device Manager will directly help pal pecarian process.
Buddy also can start disrupting the ringtone on my friend lost smartphone, for example by making the smartphone ring tone becomes louder voice, so it can be easy to find.
The plan, features Android Device Manager will be invested in smartwatch are already using the Android operating system Wear. Even Google itself claims that it will regularly update within the next few weeks.
The trick is quite unique, pal just need to say "Ok, Google. Start. Find My Phone "for each start the process of finding your missing smartphone. In addition to using the voice command, my friend also perform commands using the manual option, namely by accessing the start menu and then select the option "Find My Phone", then after that, Android Device Manager will directly help pal pecarian process.
Buddy also can start disrupting the ringtone on my friend lost smartphone, for example by making the smartphone ring tone becomes louder voice, so it can be easy to find.
The plan, features Android Device Manager will be invested in smartwatch are already using the Android operating system Wear. Even Google itself claims that it will regularly update within the next few weeks.